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What are cookies?
Many of the websites you view store small text files on your computer. These help the website recognise your computer during your visit and when you visit the website again. We call these files 'cookies'.
What do cookies do?
There are 3 types of cookies:
1. Session cookies
Certain cookies are required to memorise settings or preferences during a visit to the website or for a subsequent visit. Suppose you do not want cookies from a specific website. The website can 'remember' this by placing a cookie. Without cookies, you would have to answer the same questions every time.
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3. Third-party cookies
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No personal data
The cookies we use on our website do not contain any personal data. So these cookies cannot easily be used to identify you. This would require additional information: for example, a combination of type 3 cookies with your login details for third-party websites (these login details can often be traced back to you personally). Without additional information, cookies do not represent a threat to your privacy.
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Alles draait om hersenplasticiteit
Bij functionele neurologie draait in feite alles om het begrip hersenplasticiteit. Anders dan wat wetenschappers lang hebben gedacht is het brein niet statisch, maar verandert het gedurende ons leven en is het in staat om zich aan te passen. Dit gegeven wordt in het vakgebied functionele neurologie gebruikt om verloren gegane verbindingen tussen hersencellen weer te herstellen. Vergelijk het brein, met al haar hersencellen, voor het gemak maar eens met een wegenstelsel.
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