Hormonal headaches
Menstrual headache: when is it classified as menstrual migraine?
Many women suffer all sorts of issues, including headaches, when menstruating. None of those issues are serious, but that does not alter the fact that the complaints are unpleasant and annoying. But when can a headache that occurs during menstruation be classified as a migraine? And what is menstrual migraine? Is it or is it not a more severe headache? How do hormones figure in its development? And can anything be done about it? You can read all about it in this dossier. Knowing what to expect can help you understand why a headache occurs and, more importantly, how to get rid of it.
Menstrual headache: when is it menstrual migraine?
The term menstrual migraine is often loosely used for any headache that is connected in some way to the menstrual period. The type of headache involved and the exact relationship to the menstrual period are often neglected.
Menstrual migraines versus menstrual related migraines
One speaks of menstrual related migraines when an attack occurs at other times during the menstrual cycle as well. Menstrual migraines occur in 8% to 10% of women. That means that there are approximately 310,000 women in the Netherlands who suffer from menstrual migraines during each menstrual period.
Menstrual migraine applies when the migraine attack begins on the first day of menstruation or up to two days before/after menstruation. No attacks occur outside the menstrual period.
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